The Brewhouse, New Delhi

creative director
Emilia Bergmans

Concept masthead, cover and layout design for a new arts and culture magazine from Sri Lanka. These explorations were not used and the magazine launched as The Ceylon Chronicle in 2018.

The logo, masthead and cover design were arrived after an extensive design exercise. Various inspirations included old travel posters, the island life and horizon line, the Tamil script, and stencils / stamps used to label sea-faring crates.

Monograms were designed as a reduction of the main logo, to be used on the spine and as an accent throughout the magazine.
Different layout explorations. Each of these was based on a fleshed-out system to allow for extension to future issues.

The magazine had four sections, and the dividers were imagined as mini-content pages, accented with the section colour.

These design explorations use uncredited copy, photographs and illustrations found and admired on the world wide web. No copyright infringement intended.
